Words never used to stick so suddenly or surely to the inside of my cheek. Words would carry heavy in my mouth, careful not to spill...
Words never used to stick so suddenly or surely to the inside of my cheek. Words would carry heavy in my mouth, careful not to spill...
Two pink lawn chairs. Graffiti: MLPK, sprayed on the side of an electrical box in bright blue. An overgrown front yard. A couple,...
I’m trying desperately to hold on, but it’s fading. I can’t put into words how much I wish it weren’t softening it’s hue against the...
Wily worries were once worn on the wool winter-coats of wanton western women. All along the Arlington arena, acrobats aviated eagerly to...
He seemed concerned, for the most part, maybe a bit annoyed. He asked, “What makes you happiest?” and I told him bicycling did, being...
I think I’d be a fine cloud. I’d be a real fluffy one, with curling tips, swimming softly through turquoise skies. I’d be a tenderhearted...
Today feels like the ideal day to focus on concentrated things. Not the sugar-coated mountaintops, melting into syrupy sweet marmalade....
So many vibrations, and faces, and names, and voices, and trash bags pecked to death by seagulls in the cramped, dark streets, lit up by...
Passing the window are Giant Sequoia. I ache to reach out, brush my hand down their thick bodies. Their bark peels off more like a dogs...
There are moments when I find myself very “down in the dumps.” I’ll be really shoveling it up down there, you know? I’m just digging a...
So I avoid the cracks I step inside the squares, the rectangles, the slivers of triangles, the shapes without names. I bring myself into...
She stood with the face of a warrior, sharp and secure, but with a softness that reminded me of honey stirred into butter. The girl who,...
We passed the pub. We turned around, found the pub, pulled out our passports for the bouncer, walked into the alleyway leading to the...
Small, rubber bags, inflated with air and then sealed at the neck. Empty.
You’ve hollowed me out, filled me with sand. I feel every shift in every moment - grains passing one another as absently as you pass...
He’s sitting in the corner of my living room, in a beautiful wooden rocking chair, reading books under a dull, yellow lamp. He is...
“We could always have another weekend together! Maybe this one coming up?“ They were lying on the grass, surrounded by tiny chirping...
I will buy a match box, a candle, a magnifying glass The next day A gallon of water, a pregnancy test, a rug to pull the room together...
Your eyes whisper bold, violet hymns in my ears They speak the same color as your hair, your scarf, the felt pen in your violet hands,...