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Leah grew up in a small Californian suburb. Most of her memories are set in scathing heat or torrential rainfall, most likely due to her wild imagination. She has always dreamt of adventure: the kind that transports you into entirely different worlds or at least different time zones.

In 2014, Leah earned her BA in Literature from the University of California, Santa Barbara and realized her life was lacking that adventure she’d always longed for. She flew to New Zealand. She rekindled her love of writing, a relationship she hadn’t realized was losing fuel, and discovered a genuine curiosity for the human condition.
The momentum carried her to Scotland, Ireland, England, Wales, and Iceland where she had the pleasure of meeting a variety of souls and learning their stories.

Leah reluctantly returned to California, where she brewed up a fascination for caffeination. After 7 years of smelling like fruit-forward Single Origins, she began working in marketing, a profession that allows her to write creatively.


Leah currently lives in South Lake Tahoe with her fiancé, their 8-year-old human, 6 year old dog, 6 month old pup, and 9 year old chinchilla. She enjoys running through the mountains with her dogs, paddling out in her kayak to sun-bathe in silence, and relinquishing her sanity to creative projects she never finishes. She is currently a candidate for her MFA in Creative Writing from Stonecoast at the University of Southern Maine.

Many call her quirky or even awkward, but she prefers the word ‘peculiar.’


I am always on the hunt for new and exciting opportunities.

Let's connect.

m: 916.241.5604

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I have lots of fun rewards and a big trip ahead of me!

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A Bit About Leah...

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